Many think that most of the significant issues of the environment nowadays can be solved by machinery. In my opinion, technology will not help, but rather, it will affect the surroundings negatively.
A good reason why technology will not be helpful in solving important environmental problems is that it induces more air pollution.
is due to the fact that the technological devices that people use now have a more complex manufacturing process; mostly are harmful to the environment. Linking Words
For instance
, the process of making cell phones involve burning and heating certain materials, which emits unhealthy gas. Linking Words
gas goes up to the ozone layer, makes it thinner, and Linking Words
creates more damaging effects on the earth's surface.
Another point to consider is that automation today is lowering the number of natural resources of the world, causing imbalances in nature. Most of the gadgets today are made out of metal and iron, collected from the deep core of the planet. Mining, Linking Words
for example
, is one of the processes in which these minerals are collected and is causing soil erosion to some mainlands. Linking Words
Linking Words
causes catastrophes Linking Words
as earthquakes and landslides, taking the lives of people and animals living in the area; a devastating effect that countries do not anticipate.
In conclusion, technology would not be able to solve the main environmental issues today as it may bring more negative effects Linking Words
as poor air conditions and diminishing natural resources. Countries, Linking Words
, should continue searching for available solutions to improve the environment's condition, especially for future generations to come.Linking Words