Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extend do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that doing voluntary services,
as charity, cleaning the neighbourhood, and imparting knowledge to younger ones, should be mandatory in the high school curriculum. I strongly agree with
view as it helps
to expand their network and boost their
. Students who engage in community service have many opportunities to meet new people. Being a part of a team with a common goal will help
to form bonds with strangers that can be life-changing.
In other words
, volunteering provides a unique opportunity which is connecting people with very specific shared values and outlooks.
In addition
, most kids learn new
in these situations and work with people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles.
is often the
time some of them have worked for a boss, and it is helpful in learning how to follow orders on the job. Take Britain as an example, students from the age of 12 to 18 must teach sports to younger ones during their summer holidays, and it seems that they are more successful in their professional life as they have learnt to be more responsible.
, volunteering gives pupils a sense of accomplishment and increase their
. To put it
in other words
, they can learn a number of
in school and by putting them into practice they promote their personal achievement. The more opportunities they take to use their
and learn new ones, the more they will develop as a person. And what safer space to develop those
than in a context of service? When students challenge themselves through volunteering and receive appreciation from others, it can make them feel better emotionally and mentally, and boost their
as a result
, some may argue that doing a voluntary job is time consuming and
will not have enough time for their school, family and friends. I believe that
issue can be easily solved by setting boundaries and a timetable. To conclude,
compulsory voluntary community service has its drawbacks, it is still useful for
to grow their network, and improve their
, I believe, pupils should be encouraged to involve themselves in
Submitted by Parastoo on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • compulsory
  • unpaid community service
  • charity
  • neighborhood improvement
  • teaching sports
  • empathy
  • social justice
  • transferable skills
  • teamwork
  • leadership
  • problem-solving
  • civic duty
  • civic engagement
  • educational enhancement
  • practical experiences
  • academic learning
  • real-world applications
  • social cohesion
  • mutual support
  • time management
  • balancing priorities
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