The present 21st century, brought in a world of revolution in scientific advancements along with human being choking their own motherland. Proper recognition of
kerfuffle and addressing these issues can bring new light to the darkness. Involving mechanics along with human intervention should serve the cause. It is agreed that technology will solve most environmental effects the earth faces today.
Linking Words
To begin
, during the period from the 1800s-1900s public made use of natural resources extensively without any concern for their repercussions. In those days society did have any access to any automation which in turn made them use resources indiscriminately. In the current ,generation humans are supposed to make use of limited available resources effectively, Linking Words
was done by the efforts of rapid changes in the mechanization of industries and society. Linking Words
For instance
, it took the public 100 years from using paper to the printing press, whereas it took only 50 years from moving printing to email format. Linking Words
made a huge impact on the preservation of forests and trees.
Linking Words
, the major factor changing the world is global warming. Global warming has become so unpredictable that human resource intervention alone is not enough to change the current predicament. Linking Words
using cutting edge technology and proper protocol there is hope for nature to be a better place for future generations to come. Linking Words
For example
, studies have shown that by using sonar waves and prediction models folk have been able to assess and combat the current issue being faced. Linking Words
in turn brought in spectacular advances in the protection of the world and major changes in the protection of the land.
To conclude we can oblige that Linking Words
a breakthrough is always needed for our motherland so that coming generations would live in a better place than we imagined. I would Linking Words
extrapolate that Linking Words
advancement must always be done with some human involvement so that we can educate the community to live in a pollution-free terrain.Linking Words