The advertisement, nowadays, plays a significant role in our life, thanks to the fast-paced development and online markets.
some individuals opine that it can make us desire by a huge effect, others believe we do not care about them anymore especially on shopping. Despite anybody, at the present age, have adequate information about what is gonna buy, because of a host of data sources Linking Words
as Google, In my point of view, the advertisements still have their impact on our decision, when we want to choose something for buying.
On the one hand, today, by increasing awareness and information, people tend to explore when they want to select an object and obtain the whole specifications about that product. Linking Words
In other words
, each person has direct access to data which can be fruitful to choose the right item. To elaborate, they investigate about anything by considering the feedbacks of those products to have a great selection. Linking Words
For instance
, if they intend to buy a car or cellphone, they definitely compare the different types of them by searching on the net or asking from people who have the proper information and Linking Words
they make a decision to buy it.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, the main mission of advertising has changed over these years. It means, based on the results, companies try to encourage people by appealing advertising and putting their brand inside of people’s minds. They make the storms that can sink customers into their dreams, in various spaces Linking Words
as social media or highways . Linking Words
For example
, Coca-Cola is one of the famous brands throughout the world, but still, you would see their billboards entire the cities, just because of the indirect presence.
To sum up, Linking Words
, adults have sufficient access to the sources thanks to cyberspace, companies and products have an important effect by indirect ways, Linking Words
as new types of advertising on different spaces, on people’s minds and their shopping, so I go with the latter view.Linking Words