Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that university education should not have any tuition fees and it should be open for everyone. I strongly agree with
view because
will provide equality to the poor students
as a result
higher educated citizen will increase and it can make any country wealthy. Some meritorious students cannot study in a university is because they come from poor families. It is a burden for them to maintain the basic necessities for living and
, they cannot think about higher studies.
For example
, a renowned private NGO named 'Brac' did a survey on mass primary literacy in Bangladesh in 1992 and the top reason parents answered regarding not sending their offspring to elementary schools is poor economical conditions. In response to
Bangladesh Primary and Mass Education Ministry made free of tuition fees till the secondary level and now it has around seventy per cent secondary passed population.
, it is obvious that if higher education authorities make after higher secondary level free, that state will become rich in highly educated individuals. Bachelor, master and research degrees among the mass population can make a nation wealthy. People study to make money for their won and country gets benefited by it too. When any society has more educated people, the authority could involve them in scientific research, send them to other countries where skilled workers are needed which might be helped the government to earn foreign currency.
For instance
, Bangladesh and the Philippines are two nations that send thousands of skilled workers in middle -east and other countries and around forty per cent of the revenues come from remittances.
, free higher studies will encourage individuals to study and a country can reserve foreign dollars. In conclusion, university graduation should be free to everyone, it is,
, I am convinced that
will make a nation wealthy and provide equality in learning.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Higher education
  • Accessibility
  • Social mobility
  • Meritocracy
  • Economic growth
  • Equality
  • Subsidize
  • Fiscal sustainability
  • Human capital
  • Incentivize
  • Underfunded
  • Tuition fees
  • Academic achievement
  • Workforce
  • Tax burden
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