Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible ina scientific research, bussiness and the acedemic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Dicuss both the views and give your own opinion?

There is a party that thinks that everyone should get access to any type of
while others prefer not to share due to its importance. In
essay, I am going to illustrate both parties and
give my personal opinion. On one hand, there is a consensus that believes that we have to control the information we share with the public. The main reason why
group have
notion is that some types of information might lead to atrocities if it was in the wrong hand.
, governments should be extremely aware of the
that it shares wit with the common. Scammers,
for example
, arrived in a stage where they use the
are given to us as a tool for their operations.
On the other hand
, we have a voice that advocates more transparency due to their altruism and mindset.
is to say that
group believes that the more information we share, the more innovation will have.
, sometimes our findings might guide someone to come up with a new cure for some disease, an invention might increase our lifespan, or maybe a tool to help us increase our productivity. MoMo,
for instance
, is a famous app to manage someone life from important meetings to submitting homework. In conclusion, it seems that the two parties have fair viewpoints. On balance,
, I tend to believe that we have to give access to any kind of
is because it might lead to more developments, advancements, and state-of-the-art inventions.
Submitted by kofaisal on

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