In recent years, many small local shops have closed because customers travel to large shopping centers or malls to do their shopping. Is this a positive or a negative development?

In the
,decade there had been a drastic change in the way we do shopping. These days more and more customers are attracted towards bigger malls as they get a variety of items under one roof. In the coming ,future
trend is expected to continue due to the busy lifestyles of the majority of the population resulting in the closing of small local stores. In my point of ,view it is a good development. The
supporting reason to support my viewpoint is that consumers get more options in big shopping centres in comparison to the small department store.
, there are multiple outlets under one roof which saves a lot of time for the buyer. For ,instance in a
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mall we can do a lot of activities like shopping, entertainment, window shopping and getting together.
not only saves transportation costs but
our precious time. The
supporting reason to support my point of view is that malls provide jobs to a larger group of people. It not only provide job opportunities to shop owners it has endless options from the other people
for example
guard sitting in the parking, plumber, cleaner, electrician, labour, support staff and so on. The mall is a source of earning for multiple people and
in addition
to ,
it is
providing revenue and tax to the government.
On the contrary
, there are small shopkeepers majority of whom do not pay the tax and provide less flexibility when it comes to entertaining the customer.
, they are not at all flexible in accepting returns. So, in a
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we can accumulate the fact that there are more benefits of having a mall in comparison to local shops and
increasing customer base of malls is a positive development.
Submitted by sumitbakshi97 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • community character
  • specialized products
  • homogenized
  • local economy
  • circulating
  • variety
  • convenient
  • social hubs
  • infrastructure
  • traffic congestion
  • pollution
  • energy consumption
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