In the past when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays they have more opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

In a retrospective era, there are fewer opportunities to study abroad after the completion of a university degree,
recently recruitment has more scope to enrol in other countries.
development has both negative and positive effects and I will discuss both in the succeeding paragraphs. To commence with the cardinal benefits of studying in foreign countries, primarily, enlistment get jobs in well-reputed companies. To explain if a person gets admission to top international universities, they will increase their chance of getting a secure position in the workplace on coming back to their home.
For example
, in developed industries, most of the CEOs are graduates from Harvard Business school.
, studying abroad make friendships with people of other nationalities, which in time, may develop into a useful professional network.
, better skills development and enlarge encircle of friends are the merits of acquiring a degree in different states.
, there are demerits are studying abroad, sometimes individuals are not comfortable with the environment of another nation by which person not only feel loneliness but
make them home-sick. As a consequence, enlistment is unable to concentrate on their studies and may face mental problems
as depression .
but not least, many adults become money-minded and get indulge in their work which results in the loss of their traditional moral values.
, international admission lost their religious rituals taught by their ancestors. To conclude, studying in an international university is a positive trend overall and has advantages of a secure job in a future life,
, they have disadvantages of mental disability.
Submitted by hasanrimple53486 on

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