Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own.

In today's world, the existence of technology is ever-increasing and its use affects almost all aspects of school delivery.
essay will discuss both sides of the view and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
To begin
have a lot of benefits for people. Nowadays, a lot of people, students, use their computer for doing tasks or assignments that are given by their teachers. Browsing and searching a plethora of information on the internet searching engine, Google, are beneficial to get all the things quicker.
For instance
, if someone needs geographical data of a country, he or she can just type some keywords and he or she will get the information in less than 1 minute.
, the delivery of subjects by using
during the pandemic is much easier because it's real-time and there is no delay.
In contrast
, we can not deny that being connected all the day to
has several detrimental issues. Some experts reported that children under 15 years old spend most of their life playing online games.
For example
, high school students, usually do not realise that they have already wasted their life and have forgotten to do their homework.
As a result
, they get bad scores on some subjects.
In addition
, there is
a report of kids who are addicted to
. They lack friends in their
real life
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because they only focus on texting or calling virtual friends. Like, they become more introverted and do not socialise with society. To sum up,
are the necessary things that can help us to do a lot of things. I believe that people especially the youth have more advantages in utilising
tool as a part of their school lesson since they can get relevant information for their homework.
Submitted by noviburg28 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Edutainment
  • Multimedia resources
  • E-learning platforms
  • Digital literacy
  • Cyberbullying
  • Ergonomic hazards
  • Cognitive overload
  • Technological proficiency
  • Blended learning environments
  • Instructional technology
  • Adaptive software
  • Screen time management
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