Many people work long hours, leaving very little time for leisure avtivites. Does this situation have more advantages or more disadvantages?

Nowadays, jobs are highly time-demanding for employees. Most of the worker's jobs for more than expected hours and meanwhile they are short with hours for investing that into free-time activities. I believe the cons are more in terms of pros, and I will discuss all that in
essay. There are several expectations set by employers for an employee when it comes to doing some favour for the companies.
, most of the working-class people are served with deadlines, and they have to be productive according to the terms as well to get handsome appraisals.
In other words
, the organizations expect a man to perform beyond their limits if they looking for individual growth along with the firm.
For instance
, to get a huge amount in the short term, a person needs to work harder to achieve it.
, there is particularly high competition in the corporate sector, so a worker has to make some sacrifices to earn good incentives.
gives a boost to their career, and indeed there will be an increment in experience
On the other hand
, there are several disadvantages of adapting to a sedentary lifestyle to achieve official commitments.
and foremost, there is no encouragement of participation in physical activities because of work pressure. To illustrate, if there is a time limit of the loaded tasks they would not be a part of any game
as cricket, badminton, and so on. Another point is, while engaged with the work they would not enjoy time with their families.
, they would not accompany their family members to the dinner table.
, the workload will not allow professionals to step out from their houses for vacation.
, they are not allowed to take leaves because of firm pressure. To conclude,
working harder is a necessary part which can lead them towards success,
essay has demonstrated that work-life balance is essential and spending time for their interest should
be a priority.
Submitted by swatiarora1992 on

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