The best way to solve the world’s environmental problem is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is a tremendously controversial perspective heating up a debate over whether the cost of fossil fuel is raised in order to address the environment's issues. I consider myself an opponent of
idea. Without a shadow of a doubt, increasing fuel prices is not an effective solution to revamp environmental quality.
the gasoline’s cost climbs dramatically, the
, especially personal ones, are still extremely crowded. It is a fact that not only is the demand for traveling frequently high but there is
no alternative energy source for gasoline.
, the dwellers accept to spend more money on travelling
of using fewer means of transport.
In other words
, despite adjusting PETROL's cost, the amount of massive exhaust emission from
is not affected and becomes one of the main polluted sources. Hanoi can be cited as an outstanding example that
the price of gasoline is rising, the number of road users has not decreased. It is the reason why Hanoi get one of the cities with an alarming level of air quality.
, modifying fuel’s prices can not solve the environment's issue. Faced with environmental problems, there are more aspiring methods to address them. Hybrid
are widely acknowledged as a potential and effective shift for traditional ones since they not only do not emit toxic exhaust fumes but
are friendly with the environment. And applying them on a mass scale is a suitable way to enhance environmental quality.
For instance
, Tesla, a leading corporation in America, focuses on inventing electric
and installing charge stations along American routes in order to encourage people to use environmentally friendly means of transport.
, using hybrid
is a viable solution to redressing the environmental issues. In conclusion, I disagree that making fuel more expensive is the right method to decrease the pollution on Earth.
, renewable energy resources should become an affordable alternative.
Submitted by hominhtrang995 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • fuel consumption
  • renewable energy
  • emissions
  • electric vehicles
  • low-income families
  • commute
  • fuel-efficient technologies
  • public transport infrastructure
  • global disparity
  • developing nations
  • alternative energy sources
  • sustainable practices
  • economic impact
  • conservation efforts
  • environmental sustainability
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