Write a letter to the publisher in a newspaper, asking to advertise a meeting of people from different countries you are organizing. Explain where, when and why

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing
letter to request for posting a newsfeed in the section of “Technological Events” that would be published every Friday.
, the main purpose of
event is to showcase our new version of the robot in the field of “ROBOTICS” worldwide and request everyone to get acquainted with the
level of technological advancements. Please state that giveaway gifts will be provided for every participant.
meeting would be held for 3 consecutive days from 18th to 20th February. As we are planning to invite panellists across the globe, kindly mention the duration of the event in IST (8.00 AM – 11.00 AM).
, I am planning to conduct
meeting online because of the outbreak of COVID19. Though several working professionals would be interested to register for
tech talk, I am planning to provide an opportunity for the
100 participants considering the number of virtual lab facilities available. Please let us know in case any clarifications are required from our end. Thanks for your consideration in advance. Yours faithfully, Monika Baskaran
Submitted by monikabaskaran24 on

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