Some people think in order to continually improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Others feel that this would result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

many agree that teenagers must assess their professors to make the education system better, others argue that it would only generate disorder and lack of respect. The purpose of
essay is to analyze both sides and
give my opinion, which is in
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of young people having critical thinking and the right to expose opinions respectfully. A few defend students must learn only how to follow rules and respect teachers and parents, speaking when they are asked and memorizing important information they are taught.
For example
, in the orient, it is more common to exist strict educators that require a lot of discipline from adolescents and punish them if they do something different from the expected.
, the teachers studied more and, in theory, are prepared for their position. So, some think it is the responsibility of the school to train them and make necessary improvements. Historically, one of the best ways to evolve is to discuss what is not working and possible solutions.
For instance
, if students are not learning appropriately because of a method a professor is using, if they do not say anything, probably nothing will change, and
may harm their tests scores.
, adolescence is a critical stage of development, and exercising creativity and critical thinking will make dealing with life problems easier.
For instance
, if a person does not enjoy something a coworker did, he will be required to expose his opinion in a respectful way.
, the sooner they learn how to do it, the more useful it will be in their adulthood. In conclusion, from my perspective students must be encouraged to share their thoughts and give suggestions. But it is important to always choose the right words and moments,
learning from an early age how to criticize constructively in order to improve not only education
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their personal and professional relationships.
Submitted by mariih_borges on

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