Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

The opinion is divided on whether or not undergraduates should be allowed to freely express themselves in disciples of interest or study only future relevant courses. While having a carrier prospect is important, I believe that supporting the student in his area of interest yields a better outcome.
essay shall discuss both views in detail followed by a reasoned conclusion. One on hand, some persons are of the notion that a child is likely to excel in future if he focuses on his academics. The reason for
is because other aspects of activities in schools
as sports, poetry, politics, and music are seen as inferior compared to carrier jobs like engineering and medicine.
the regular drive from parents and guardians to force their offspring into carrier paths sometimes results in detrimental outcomes like failing exams, depression and withdrawal from the institution.
For example
, research has shown that over 90% of students who failed from medical school had affluent families who invested heavily in them becoming doctors, with over 70% agreeing having interest in other fields. In the light of the aforementioned problems, students should be allowed to decide for themselves their future paths. Many non-academic disciples have prospects too. There are renowned footballers, singers, dancers and poets who make a tremendous amount of money from their artwork.
For instance
, the most iconic football legend Ronaldo said in an interview that he struggled through school because he was never the intelligent one,
, he continually received encouragement from his father which paved the way for him. In conclusion,
there seem to be more opportunities from the academic settings. I believe a child should be encouraged to follow his own path due to the merits highlighted.
Submitted by joshuaosarenmwinda on

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