It is argued by
publicAdd an article
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that a sport teaches children competitiveness with
say that the young ones learn,how to execute the
essay,I will discuss both sides and give
necessaryCorrect article usage
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On the one hand, people opine that the sport defines a child, how to face competition while participating.
anticipate the children different
a Remove the article
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learning which are related to
the Correct article usage
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physical,emotional and social development.
Change the capitalization
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olympicCorrect article usage
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games and world tournament motivates many youngsters to lead and participate actively in the
can help them to learn
a Correct the article-noun agreement
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physical and social
and behavioural management as a
sports personCorrect your spelling
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,they know how to face and overcome challenges in life. To illustrate
,planning and organising the
as a
is an important element,when
sportsCorrect article usage
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person playing a game,but not winning a competition.
,analysing other
goalFix the agreement mistake
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playingWrong verb form
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according to the instructions and guidance of the leader of the
,Remove the comma
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executionCorrect article usage
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of the
discussions and
sociallyAdd a missing verb
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anticipatesChange the verb form
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different learning concepts but not to be
are outdoor recreational
activityFix the agreement mistake
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childAdd an article
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to develop
theirChange the word
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positive attitude and behaviour.
believe that
the Correct article usage
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children learn teamwork
because it
enhanceChange the verb form
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the Correct article usage
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leadership qualities and social awareness. Teamwork plays a prominent role when
a Correct the article-noun agreement
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youngsters are playing in
the Correct article usage
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outdoor activity.
explains a strong relationship and bonding with other teams and
groupFix the agreement mistake
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of members.
,throwing or passing a ball explains a child about
the Correct article usage
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sharing things with friends and members of the family.
,parents are encouraging their kids to play the outdoor sport, because it teaches
the Correct article usage
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and emotional stability,building strong relationships with
To conclude, I believe that
the Correct article usage
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is a recreational activity for
a Remove the article
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physical well-being and
sometimes it is necessary to build perfect competition among the teams because
is important for building relationships.