The environment
a real concern for all of us, at least it should be. Humans are exploring most of the earth's natural resources to their limit. Wrong verb form
has become
is causing several problems Linking Words
as the ozone hole, water level increase, extermination of some species, pollution, and other issues. It is questioned if it should be solved on a global or national scale. In my opinion, all nations must work as a team in the same direction Linking Words
it would never be possible to solve any adversity.
First of all, concerning a global scale, the world should be seen as a unit. Linking Words
For example
, if the United States and Europe made efforts to achieve a lower ecological footprint but China continues to pollute the same, the problem will never be resolved. In that case, a global scale will be more efficient. Linking Words
, in my concern, it should be applied general rules for all countries.
Linking Words
for those who believe that Linking Words
question would be better solved nationally, it is understandable. Linking Words
For instance
, in Germany, people are aware of daily pollution and make an effort to use less their cars and adapt to other ways of transportation less polluting. I think we must all protect our home country because it will impact the world but that does not mean that just saving ourselves will be possible.
To summarize, both scales are important as well it is evolving in the consummation of less energy, using technologies on behalf of the world´s protection, and Linking Words
above all
, being conscious about our actions, nationally and globally.Linking Words