Humanity has relied on newspapers as the main source of information for decades.
, due to the popularity of the
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internet it may be turning into an outdated format.
, a great number of people consider that it is time for the printed version of the press to stop circulating and I can agree to an extent. In
,essay we will take a look at some of the pros and cons of
medium of communication.
A printed paper for some may have quite a lot to offer. Its format allows greater reader engagement and a unique sensory experience.
, many people enjoy holding and passing the pages, as well as folding the corner of the page to mark an important article. Another advantage of
traditional source of
is the ability to reach older generations that don't access the internet as much as younger readers.
On the other side, we can discuss a number of disadvantages associated with it. Nowadays with global concern for the environment, a digital copy of your local newspaper can be an attractive alternative. Allow me to elaborate: it happens to be that the paper and energy required to print out thousands of copies of the Washington Post, or any other
outlet, generates demand for deforestation and contributes to global warming through carbon dioxide emissions. Another negative aspect to be considered is it can't be updated as quickly as an online
, when a critical event takes place people may only find out about it with the
morning journal,
, with the
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internet they are able to follow the occurrences simultaneously. These cons should be taken into consideration when debating ifpapersshould continue to be printed.
In conclusion, there are many pros and cons of carrying on with printed press. On one hand, maintaining the reader's attention and being available for those unfamiliar with digital media. While the environmental effects and the impossibility of being immediately updated are two main drawbacks.I can mostly agree with the idea of not continuing to print newspapers.
in my opinion, an ideal solution would be for newspaper companies to develop an online
portal while maintaining a minimal amount of printed copies to attend to the older readers.
way everyone wins.