Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the word. Do you think this is a positive or negative development

Nowadays, due to the development of logistics industries, the same goods can be delivered all around the world which makes consumers be able to use the same items manufactured from other's nations. Some argue that the results of
situation make countries lose their distinctive attractions. But there are some opposite ideas that it is convenient for economic growth. In my opinion, I agree with the latter opinion and in
essay, I will present my analysis point to support my view.
, It is obvious that the advancement of technology and transportation's growth let people possibly access other regions' products easier than before.
For instance
, even living in Vietnam, you can order an Apple watch from an Apple store in Us and the stuff will be delivered in front of your door in 10 days. Women around the world can wear clothes with the same designs.
, the world tends to become similar in consumptions and styles as well.
, people don't wish to travel to other places to look for the differences anymore.
brings negative effects on the tourism industry and the nation's economy. 
, I firmly believe that the percentage of tourists which are reduced by
reason just make up a minor number while the advantages of easily accessing products outweigh the bad effects. people overworld can buy everything they want from other locations easily proving the development of e-commerce logistics industries. It makes the tradings among countries convenient and fosters economic growth . The items can be transferred from excessive to lacking place. It doesn't destroy the instinct of one country because the country's attractions
depend on nature, culture and many other elements. In conclusion, even the countries become similar due to using the same stuff, it doesn't lose the attraction. The positive effects of
overweight the drawbacks in dropping of tourists
Submitted by annaleo130395 on

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