It is argued that stores have to allow
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consumerFix the agreement mistake
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the choice to purchase national
rather than
productFix the agreement mistake
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essay agrees that stores must give
chefs, small businesses, and restaurants to sell their
productFix the agreement mistake
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inChange preposition
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shelfFix the agreement mistake
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would strengthen the economy and relationships between the social fabric.
The main reason I believe that supermarkets should consider
giveChange the verb form
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consumers the option to buy
within the
becauseReplace the word
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it has many advantages to the economy. In fact, one of the
indicatorFix the agreement mistake
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the economy in a
throughChange preposition
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calculating its gross domestic
knownAdd a missing verb
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increases when a buyer and a seller do a transaction inside the
, so when a butchery buys meat from local farms
would increase the
, when a
gives a chance to
a Remove the article
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home business to puts its
inChange preposition
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their shelf
would help that
inChange preposition
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extendReplace the word
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, and
is because when that
has a high
might allow that
to import more foods because of that reputation in the long run.
Another reason why I think that shops should
from novice merchants is
becauseReplace the word
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would strengthen the connections between all members of the community.
, many people believe that enterprises should be existed to serve and help individuals, and to do so is by
prioritizeChange the verb form
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. Not to mention, when a supermarket advocates to put the local food on their
might enhance the shop image. In
it is important
toChange preposition
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a company, firm, or even a supermarket to enhance its image
is because
would attract customers.
would generate profit and
can be used for marketing purposes.
In conclusion, I completely agree that merchants should be given local merchants the right to sell their
through their branches
is because
can enrich the connection between the community members and would energize the economical side. Given
situation, it seems that when someone
giveChange the verb form
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the Correct article usage
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support to anyone within the society
might be that person eventually.