Several people believe that the major problem of the environment is the specific kind of animals and plants losing, whereas some think that other environmental issues are prior.
essay agrees with the idea of there are more important troubles rather than loss of living things.
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To begin
with, there are those who consider that the eventual extinction of animals or plants provides the most damage to society. Every living thing plays a major role in every habitat. Linking Words
For instance
, elephants have a considerable impact on the forest, seeds may not spread to other areas without travelling and consuming by them. Linking Words
, the increment of bees prevents the growth of fruits and flowers which affect other animals' life. Linking Words
, there is something that we should concern about more.
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On the other hand
, some people find that other issues are more concerning Linking Words
as climate change. The effect of it can result in far more problems. Linking Words
For example
, global warming and the rising of greenhouse gases cause the melting in the north pole and south pole which leads to the world’s flooding. The damage affects the harvesting of vegetables and generates poverty including a shortage of food resources. Linking Words
, the effect of climate change is prior to the result of extinction these days.
In conclusion, the two sides of the argument have strong supporting ideas. Linking Words
, after a thorough analysis, it is clear that the loss of individual species is a superior issue to others. In my view, the problem that should be concerned the most is climate change which obviously results in a number of troubles to humans.Linking Words