An increasing number of residents in Cities are living in a home with confined spaces. Whether it has a positive or negative impact on improvements is a question left hanging in one's mind. I am in complete accord that it has a negative effect due to sundry of reasons. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss both situations and I shall set forth my point of view.
On the one hand, to leave in a spacious house means better health for all the members of the family.
For example
, children will have a playground where they will be able to play during their free days. And Linking Words
, parents can utilize their backyard to do exercises, yoga and social gatherings. Linking Words
As a result
, both mental and physical aspects of each will improve, avoiding psychological problems which are now becoming common among individuals. Linking Words
, outdoor spaces are significant in improving the community.
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On the other hand
, because of the rising cost of living, many are choosing to live in small accommodations. Several factors like money and locations are being contemplated. Linking Words
For instance
, the smaller the house, the lesser the expenses. Linking Words
, if parents are working, they will not have ample time to clean their surroundings. Linking Words
Linking Words
huge houses are usually located away from the Add a comma
of the town which is time-consuming. Change the spelling
, it will help in lowering the expenses of the household, Linking Words
, it might be detrimental in someone's mind.
To conclude, a shelter with a yard affects significantly the health and wellness of the family while tiny houses help sustain their daily needs. For Linking Words
reason, one should balance and consider the advantages and disadvantages before deciding where to move in.Linking Words