Some believe that people today have no interest in maintaining the traditional culture of their country or region. Others believe that it is still important to people that we preserve a traditional way of life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In the globalization era, it is normally argued around the maintening of
and tradition.
have very divided opinions on the possibility that we are losing our cultural identity or not. In
essay, I will discuss both arguments and I will explain why cultural identity is significant, and why we should give good weight.
, the world where we are living is a Globalize world,
in other words
, we are in a place where the
are wearing the same clothes, watching the same Tv shows, and are beginning to speak the same language.
situation is completely normal considering globalization. Multinationals,
for example
, were built to explain what we should wear, The television programs say what
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we should take and the increasement in travel trends creates the need to learn one unique language.
In addition
, travel creates in the individual the possibility to meet new
been affect it.
On the other hand
; we need to remember the importance of the maintenance of our
because the essence is memory,
in other words
, it’s history. The interest to keep is not only important for the single individual but even more for the history, to be unique and not a standardized group of
. Speaking different languages, having traditions, wear various clothes, allows us to understand who we are, and to have a cultural identity. In conclusion, in
fast era, we are losing the importance of the preservation of the
, I believe
that is
fundamental to be different to do not appear
as an indistinct group of
Submitted by christianemidio.difebbo on

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