Some people believe that after hundred years life will be easier for most of people, while the others are unsure. What is your opinion?

Some people think that after a few
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the life of humans will have fewer struggles in comparison to the current era
, others argue that they are not sure about the future. In my opinion, compared to the past few centuries we can expect that life will be easier and cheaper in the future
due to
the growth of technology and transportation.
To begin
with, advancement in the field of technology will surely make the
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of communities more successful in the coming years. Developers are developing
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software called robotics which is capable of doing most of the human work in a fraction of
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the time
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without making any mistakes,
saving much more time to do other productive work.
For example
, one of the top market-leading companies has introduced software robots to do the task of common
problem solving
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and replying to the customer chat
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employees to focus on the other improvement. Transportation is far better than now it was a few decades ago. There is a drastic decline in the travelling and shipment time because of superfast trains, metros and direct connecting flights which makes today's lives more comfortable and cost-effective. Entrepreneurs are utilizing these modes of transport to ship their products to the customer as fast as they can.
For instance
, a popular e-commerce enterprise called Amazone delivers the products in one day to
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prime customers.
a prominent outcome
is indicating
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that one of the most tremendous problems
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history has been eliminated. In conclusion, lives in the future of hundreds of years later will be absolutely easier and
can be evidenced by the experiences that we humans have in terms of technology and transportation.
Submitted by ruchi1509 on

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