Today's school should teach their students how to survive financially in the world today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The financial matter is an important aspect for everybody to sustain in their life. while some people believe that today's
should teach their students how to survive financially in the future. in
essay, I will elaborate on some reasons regarding the knowledge to be financially free in our lives.
of all, today's economic crisis hit the world in many sectors
as the pandemic of covid 19. many countries have to survive to fulfil help their people because of the pandemic attacks. according to the latest research, it will continue for a long period of time.
, it is crucial for educational institutions to take part in preparing their
to face those worst situations. For
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instant, the
might be educated to start a small business and prepare them to become entrepreneurs.
, new job vacancies
could be created by those small enterprises.
, it tends to make the reduction of criminal activity.
On the other hand
, the
institutions should formulate the best curriculum to educate their people to become a person who is financially free after they have graduated. It is crucial because, at that young age, most of them are easy to get fail due to the lack of experience.
subject is not suitable for the
who is at the elementary and middle
In contrast
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who is in their
year of high
needs to be prepared how to survive with the limited money that their parent gave them. To Summarize, it is important for everybody to have enough money in the future and be financially free.
could prepare them with practical knowledge before entering the real world.a
Submitted by anwarachmad426 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • financial literacy
  • modern economy
  • student debt
  • mitigate
  • practical financial skills
  • budgeting
  • saving
  • investing
  • income inequality
  • psychological benefits
  • financial security
  • traditional education
  • financial independence
  • technology
  • personal finance management
  • global perspective
  • entrepreneurship
  • curriculum
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