Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of school leavers with a pessimistic perspective. In
essay, some main reasons will be explored, followed by potential solutions to overcome
with, one of the main factors contributing to
trend is the traditional teaching style at school which follows one-way communication. It means that the knowledge is transferred from teachers and
approach lessons in a passive way.
, the course's content mainly focuses on academic performance, not essential interpersonal skills.
in turn can lead to an obstacle for
to adapt to the future workplace. Another reason is related to the ability of
to find a job after completing their studies. In fact, there is a phenomenon that a great number of graduates are unemployed or doing some jobs which are not relevant to what they have learnt from universities.
is evident in a statistical report from the Vietnamese Ministry of Education which reveals that nearly 30% of
with a main major in Finance and Banking cannot find a suitable position in banks.
, they have to do some temporary jobs
as Uber drivers or delivery staff to cover their living expenses.
To deal with
problem, it is required to have comprehensive solutions.
, teachers need to take a look at their teaching style and accept the fact that
teaching method is no longer suitable for the current employment trend. It has been observed that most employers nowadays require their qualified candidates to have not only excellent academic qualifications but
strong social skills to work effectively among a team and organization.
, schools should incorporate extra courses and outdoor activities in their education program which can improve
' ability to brainstorm and provide them with more chances to apply theory in reality.
, it is essential to equip learners with a detailed orientation before they choose their main major at university.
can be an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses
the benefits and difficulties of each major. By doing so,
can proactively find and participate in some extra courses to enhance both academic performance and social skills.
In conclusion, young people tend to leave school with a negative attitude toward learning because of the traditional teaching style and their ability to find a job after graduating. To cope with
problem, it is crucial for schools to change their teaching method and equip
with a comprehensive orientation