In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything they try hard enough what are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message

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In recent times, a few cultures believe that every child has to work hard to gain their dreams. Overall, it commonly happens when mother and father suggest to their
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generation to be good people in the future and go beyond. Personally, I agree with
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belief that children must always be suggested to have a motivation to work hard to achieve their dreams. The advantage of
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viewpoint is every child has to prepare their physical and mental from the beginning if they want to be a better person for tomorrow.
For instance
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, they have to wake up early morning, be disciplined, always be connected to God and manage the daily schedule as well.
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, the support system around them must be gained from all aspects.
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, it needs collaboration between the children and parents as a primary caregiver. The disadvantage of
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case are sometimes students feel depressed about their ambitions and stress
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could be happened to their parents.
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, financial and facilitation supports must be fully prepared.
For instance
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, children must join with many courses regarding their talents and skill that must be filled.
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, it is about the habitual that could be assessed and evaluated for every kind of student's type. In conclusion, many positive values of becoming a
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-generation with a good belief and effort. Resilience is one of the most aspects that should be considered for their upcoming moment.
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, parents usually motivated all their kids to keep critical thinking and enhance their skills toward their life.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • achieve
  • try hard
  • positive mindset
  • self-belief
  • motivates
  • ambitious goals
  • resilience
  • determination
  • confidence
  • self-esteem
  • growth mindset
  • unrealistic expectations
  • disappointment
  • failure
  • effort
  • hard work
  • seek support
  • individual differences
  • abilities
  • capabilities
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