Some people claim that not enough of the waste from home is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling if for government to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

management is a major concern for many countries.
, some believe that a large proportion of household
is not recycled.
the government should imply rules. In my opinion, even though legal obligations will make a difference, it is not the best way to solve
problem. In
essay, I will discuss why I think the law cannot make a significant difference.
To begin
with, if the authorities enforce a rule to recycle home
, many
will obey to stay out of trouble.
In addition
, if anyone disobeys the rules, there will be fines or other charges. But it won't be a viable solution because many
will find ways to escape the charges and still do the wrong thing.
For example
, if someone gets a fine for putting their recyclable
in general
, they can say their child did it and get away with that because authorities cannot prove that an adult did it.
, laws will not have a big impact on
, if we can educate the public and teach them the real importance of recycling, they will do it willingly.
For instance
, the government can introduce
management as a subject for young students. It will have a better effect because when children realise that it's for their own future they will take action and they can change their parent's habits. Since it is not a forceful act many will follow the guidelines. In short,educating
will change their mindset and they will voluntarily contribute to solving the wastage issue. In conclusion, I mentioned why legal obligations are not the best option.
, I emphasised the impact of educating the general public to do the right thing. I think making
aware of the consequences of not recycling their
will be a better long term answer.
Submitted by manisha.hettiarachchige on

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