Some people claim that not enough of the waste from home is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling if for government to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Proper waste disposal and management is the need of the hour as most of it gets into a landfill and increases pollution. One set of
should impose regulations for the public to effectively recycle home garbage,
, I believe as an initial step,
needs to educate the public on recycling methods as a majority of them are not aware of them as well as implement a legal process in parallel. Despite the
bringing in several rules, if citizens are not trained on the recycling techniques and the merits that are associated,
creating rules and regulations are of no use. To illustrate, the public should be aware of how to segregate trash by dumping it in different bins.
will allow garbage collectors to take segregated trash resulting in
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usage. One clear example is food and vegetable waste that can be converted into compost and sold to farmers at affordable prices to promote organic farming. Even though single-use plastic is harmful to the environment, some individuals have come up with innovative solutions to lay down roads made of plastic.
, promoting public awareness and supporting ingenious ideas are crucial for efficient reuse.
On the other hand
needs to implement strict policies on
who do not abide by the law. Even though the administration puts effort to create awareness by fixing banners and providing training, it is the responsibility of the public to throw garbage in the designated bins,
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results in pollution.
For instance
, there are certain individuals who litter in public places, massive fine needs to be collected from
and if they violate multiple times, they need to be severe punishment like putting the person behind bars for a couple of days.
, authorities need to monitor public behaviour and increase the level of punishment depending on the number of times the law is violated. To conclude, the administration needs to educate citizens on the benefits of recycling.
In addition
, strict laws need to be in place for
who violate the rules and regulations in spite of required training.
Submitted by lakshmi.y15 on

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