In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

It has been observed that the number of citizens who are keen to know about the background of their accommodation is increasing in some nations.
essay will not only answer the reason behind
interest but
Correct subject-verb agreement
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the method the citizens are opting to do their research.
To begin
with, the major reason behind
developed interest is that the foundation of a building gets weak after certain years and
due to
the housing may collapse completely and a major accident might happen. To avoid
, it is necessary to know the historical structure of the soil when the building was made and how
Verb problem
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changed over time.
For instance
, in Mumbai, a city in India where the majority of citizens live in
old constructed
Add a hyphen
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buildings, regular soil check occurs to ensure that the building is safe.
, there are various ways
Change preposition
in which
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people are following to know the background of their housing. The most common method they use is that they question local people, who
Wrong verb form
have been
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living there for years, about their building. Some common questions they ask are what was there before
house was constructed, what is the age of
house and who is the first owner of
For example
, in Houston (Texas) a family came to know that the house in which they
Wrong verb form
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living was a shelter for soldiers during
world war
Correct your spelling
World War
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1. In conclusion, the main reason to know the background of a building is to ensure safety and to prevent upcoming accidents. Asking old local residents about
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housing is the most common and efficient method to find out the historical significance of a structure.
Submitted by ayushgoswami25 on

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task response
Expand on the reasons behind the interest in knowing the history of houses or buildings. Include more details and examples to support your points.
coherence cohesion
Ensure a more coherent flow in the essay by connecting ideas and sentences more effectively. Use transitional phrases to improve coherence and cohesion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Historical research
  • Genealogy
  • Architectural styles
  • Heritage
  • Relics
  • Oral history
  • Archival records
  • Museum exhibits
  • Historical societies
  • House tours
  • Renovation projects
  • Original blueprints
  • Careful documentation
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