The overpopulation occurring at an exponential pace is a pressing issue among the humans of the globe.
essay totally agrees with Linking Words
statement as Linking Words
gigantic problem not only pollutes the environment but Linking Words
becomes a major reason for unemployment thereby causing depression.
Admittedly, the environment has not been degraded adversely since Linking Words
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decade for no reason. It is indeed because of the rising demand of the increasing population in the form of food, luxurious cars, a better lifestyle equipped with the latest technological gadgets and a comfortable living settlement. The more the demand is, the more industries, car manufacturing units, land for food and living is required in order to cater to the need of the consumers. These all developmental arrangements cause a huge deterioration to the environment by releasing obnoxious gases from the Vehicles, dumping the untreated toxic waste in soil and water , cutting off forests to build new denizens and growing crops with pesticides and insecticides. Correct article usage
the last
, population explosion is ultimately degrading the quality of living on Earth, which is a huge loss to the humans living here
Not far behind is the unemployment that has risen because of overpopulation which stimulates people to fight with each other on emotional grounds. To elaborate, as the demand for jobs owing to escalating population density is high, the supply of jobs due to limited industry setup is low . Linking Words
certainly brings masses in competition with each other to strive for few job opportunities in which the potential candidates got the chance ; Linking Words
, the weak ones are neglected. Linking Words
As a result
,seedlings of negative emotions grow among left people which makes them alienated, depressed and away from humanity and nothing could be much worse than the youth of a nation digging in the pitfalls of loneliness. The times of India highlighted Linking Words
issue when the report conducted by the Human resource department of India revealed the figure of 67 % of those who are under stress because of joblessness.
In conclusion, the whole world is under the dark clouds of overpopulation , the shadow of which is making people isolated and polluting the surroundings.Linking Words