These days, many university courses are offered through the internet. Some people think that online teaching has more advantages than conventional classroom teaching or lectures, while others claim that there are significant disadvantages. Do the benefits of online teaching outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years, large numbers of universities
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pupils with online tertiary education. It is often discussed as a controversial issue whether it is beneficial or
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whether there
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are more drawbacks to distance learning. Herein, I will discuss both views meticulously and
discuss why I think there are more disadvantages than advantages. On the one hand, students can get large numbers of benefits by taking e-learning studies.
, streaming web-based courses provides remarkable convenience for them. Since they do not need to be physically in
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, they can save
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time and money. To give a clear example, a student does not have to pay for the transportation systems to attend the school which saves the transportation fare and commuting time.
, it gives learners immediate access to the faculties. Learners can instantly reach out to the professors with questions and view session worksheets and documents on the
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For instance
, if there is something they do not understand in the field of their study, they are able to ask through the internet. Unlike
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who attend in-person classes, online students typically do not need to wait until the scheduled class time to meet a professor or peers.
On the other hand
, there are some problems that emerge
along with
positive aspects.
To begin
with, there is no physical contact with classmates.
, that may lead to being reticent and taciturn.
For example
, some research shows that 70% of pupils who take online courses are found to be more difficult to communicate with and are generally described as laconic people. On top of that, they are more likely to encounter technical issues during class.
Due to
the throng of people attending the same platform simultaneously, problems with network connections or servers may arise. To exemplify, some confronted difficulties with network connections when they took a distance class. There was a delay between the sound and the visual which yielded a tinge of dissatisfaction.
To conclude
there are some advantages to online courses
as convenience and immediate access to the faculties, there are
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and technical issues as well. I personally believe the drawbacks overshadow the benefits.
Submitted by Reza on

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For task achievement, ensure that you address all aspects of the prompt, discuss advantages and disadvantages, and clearly state your opinion. Provide more specific examples to support your points.
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