These days and ages, advertisements could be found on TV, phones and billboards having an increasing sway on people's way of life in both a positive and negative way. Some say the good outweighs the bad I disagree completely with the said notion.
A positive aspect is, advertisement provides a route for manufacturers to consumers. Ads present a new product that will in other ways not be seen by consumers increasing sales
increasing income for manufacturers and vitalizing the economy. Linking Words
For example
, a billboard on the highway presenting a Pizza Hut at the Linking Words
exit will increase its sales and profit.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, the constant flood of advertisements can result in excessive waste of money. Linking Words
in other words
, sometimes crowd overshop and buy items they fully don't need Linking Words
, some get addicted to shopping. Linking Words
For example
, the shopping channel works 24/7 with a daily spike in sales during the night as patrons are thinking less clearly. Linking Words
, some ads are specifically targeted at kids. When an advert is aimed at kids they are weaponising them using them to make their loving parents purchase the item for them or to take them to the shop or restaurant . To illustrate, MacDonlowd's (McDonald's) makes targeted ads for kids Linking Words
making the entire family (family) patrons.
To summarize,Linking Words
advertising improves the economy and benefits shops and manufacturers, I believe the tendency of people to spend and the specific marketing are being used maliciously (maliciously) Linking Words
should be stopped or monitored.Linking Words