Your local council is considering closing a sports and leisure centre that it runs, in order to save money. Write a letter to the local council. In your letter give details of how you and your friends or family use the centre explain why the sports and leisure centre is important for the local community describe the possible effects on local people if the centre closes

Dear sir,  I am writing
letter to share my opinion about your early decision to close of fitness
which is located in heart of the town
, I am an active member of your
and I and my close friends have been sporting since 2015 for at least 8 years. because
place is a good place to have more fun and
spend our leisure time.
due to their low fee which is very suitable for students usually we are at their restaurant.
, nowadays due to changes in our lifestyle and all the people do not have enough exercise developing sports and sports central could provide better conditions for healthcare .
, because our region has cold weather we need indoor space for sport. So if you do not find a good place to replace of current fitness
All people are deprived of having a stadium in winter I am forwarding to get the answer from you. I wish you would review your decision. Yours faithfully,
Submitted by salehi19862 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • leisure centre
  • foster social bonds
  • physical health
  • mental well-being
  • constructive activities
  • accessible
  • exercise
  • community spirit
  • public service
  • anti-social behavior
  • cost-saving measures
  • vital role
  • recreation
  • negative impact
  • forecast
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