In the recent past, the gap between the rich and the poor countries has widened. While some believe that assisting the poor till they are financially stable has positive consequences, others contradict. I think world organisations should continue their support to these nations until these zones are removed from
On one hand, there are many developing countries that lack proper infrastructure for basic amenities. Linking Words
the space between them is increasing. The major factor for lending support is to build good governance and rules within the zone, which help them become independent later. Linking Words
For instance
, a few regions do not have sufficient food, good shelter, schools, organizations and enough resources for everyone, though they form an essential part of everyday lives. Apart from them, catastrophes, Linking Words
for example
, droughts, floods and tsunamis, which take away many people's lives, cause Linking Words
damage. Correct article usage
, they deserve the assistance, for all of them need to be on par with each other, or else they would be in a vulnerable situation of being invaded.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, many argue that the world organizations Linking Words
as World Health Organization, UNESCO, and UNDP form a bias towards the poor ones and tend to have an inclination towards only their betterment. Linking Words
, these states too delegate their responsibilities to these organisations by depending on them too much. The more international aid is provided, the more the countries rely on it. Linking Words
In addition
, more funds are directed toward them. To illustrate, today, a lot of funds are provided to Syria as it is one of the under-developed ones, Linking Words
it leads to a reduction in the funds towards the global causes.
To conclude, there are more benefits if international institutes lend a helping hand to them than the disadvantages. So I opine that the aid should not be stopped till they prosper to a considerable extent.Linking Words