In some areas of the US, a “curfew” is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. what is your opinion about this?

the laws are different in certain parts of the US from the other areas of
country. one of them expresses that the teen population do not have the allowance to stay outside at a specific time alone or they should have an adult companion. the way I see it, according to the vulnerability of adolescents,
restriction is actually a necessity in order to provide safety for our young generation.
, from the point of view of teenagers, it may seem a little unfair to not let them travel inside the cities at
. But the point is, when comparing adults and youngsters, it is obvious that ,overall, older people enjoy higher levels of experience in almost every subject
as financial, social, and political topics.
in other words
, youngsters are not aware of the dangers in the society that can jeopardize their mental and even physical health. in one study, it was reported that 68% of all crimes in Europe
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occur at late hours at
. adding
to the fact that teens are so naive that could be easy targets for criminals, in my opinion, can convince us to impose some legislation to protect our younger generation from environmental dangers.
, some teens may say that there might be a situation,
for example
, in which an adult person would not be available if they were invited to a
gathering with their friends,
, they will not be able to attend the held ceremony. in
cases like
, I think the police should cooperate by helping the young people to commute safely at
. by doing so, not only do teenagers will be able to experience the nightlife but
they will be protected from probable dangers
as getting rubbed or being exposed to drug dealers who are inclined to do business at
. in conclusion, to lessen the risks of spoiling future generations mentally together with physically, certain laws should be imposed. I suppose that restricting the hours at
that teenagers are allowed to spend outside of their houses is more of a necessity rather than limiting legislation on their activities
Submitted by sahandzabihgholami35 on

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