Some feel that cities shold be designed to be beautiful while others feel their functionality is more important. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, new building construction may
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be designed
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following the owners including their useful proposals and favourite styles.
styles and functions of the building are
crucial with different importance.
essay will discuss
sides of those including my perspectives. Many people are actually likely to live in a place that makes them comfortable mentally and physically.
That is
the reason why some design their house with their own favourite styles, in which the physical structure may be prioritized rather than the home functions.
For instance
, some prefer a minimal style
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decorating with white or black colour.
, they would select the whole decorations with the same pattern because those may perfectly combine in the house
as white wall decorating with some
Correct article usage
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white plant pots. These could totally encourage great mental health for those living there.
On the other hand
, a multitude of applicable functions might be a priority for construction purposes.
, they may design the building in order to be a hybrid building being home and office at the same time.
case might aim to be more functional for their main purposes.
they could arrange the room designs separated into two main points which are the working and living areas.
, especially the office buildings may be designed to accommodate for the whole officers to work comfortably and feel like being home.
To conclude
, I personally think that there is a multitude of combinations of designed and functional buildings.
are significant factors that people should consider on
sides before starting construction.
, it totally depends on the owners with their purposes.
Submitted by phanphetpor on

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task response
Expand on the discussion of the functionality of buildings to further demonstrate the importance of this aspect.
coherence and cohesion
Ensure that the essay flows smoothly by using transition words to connect ideas more effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Cultural heritage
  • Infrastructure
  • Urban planning
  • Sustainable development
  • Psychological well-being
  • Economic growth
  • Tourism industry
  • Architectural marvels
  • Public spaces
  • Accessibility
  • Environmental impact
  • Residential areas
  • Commercial hubs
  • Green spaces
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