Violence in playgrounds is increasing. However, it is important that parents should teach children not to hit back at bullies. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Incidents in playgrounds increase dramatically these days, and most of them tend to be violent. Some people think that the parents play a big role to teach their
not to hit back at bullies. I partially agree with the statement, which sometimes endurance is not always the right solution.
, things become bigger and more serious because of the constant fights and hitting backs. More and more bullying incidents emerge in schools or playgrounds, occasionally, pupils do not even aware that they are bullying or being bullied.
, it is vital for families to lecture their
on how to react and the solutions when bullies happened to them.
For instance
, parental roles can educate
to leave the place and do not ever using words to provoke bullies, which normally makes things worse.
On the other hand
, schools and the parents always teach their
not to hick back, and the only method is to tell their teachers, which usually lets the fights become more extreme.
, Students should
be taught that expressing themselves is important and necessary. To illustrate, reacting immediately can solve the question effectively,
, fighting back at the moment is to protect yourself from being more hurts. Overall, sometimes teachers as a mouth voices will make the situation worsen. To conclude, as a moral example, indeed, the parents should teach their
to be polite and pleasant during playing with their friends.
, fighting back instantly sometimes is a more appropriate method to protect yourself from getting hurt.
Submitted by parvezshehzeen on

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