Nowadays, university schooling focuses more on practical aspects. university education should be pursued only after gaining some job skills.
many people believe that there is no need in getting hands-on working experience before studying Linking Words
, I personally believe that students should be encouraged to work for two main reasons.
Linking Words
, I think that getting industrial exposure before a graduation degree will provide more background and technical wisdom related to the field of study. What Linking Words
means is that working as an intern or full-time for a company will definitely provide students with business etiquette as well as core knowledge. Linking Words
, making a student capable enough to use these learnings in the industrial sector. Take a student, Linking Words
for example
, who wants to pursue automotive electronics during Bachelor's degree; they will make effort in gaining practical expertise by working as a part-time or a full-time employee in the automotive industry, Linking Words
as a result
, gaining vast knowledge in the related field. Linking Words
, people will be focused and contribute better to the corporate world by solving real-time problems in the near future.
The most important reason for students to work before university studies is to gather money to sponsor their graduation. Despite many people believing that a younger generation should focus on studies Linking Words
of working as they need to complete the basic schooling in order to achieve success in the corporate world, I am of the opinion that working part-time will surely make them financially independent and provide the proof of funds required for the higher secondary schooling. Linking Words
For instance
, a student working as a part-time employee at an organization will get a stipend good enough for him to sponsor his own semester fees. Linking Words
, they can Linking Words
start saving for the future by using the funds received from work, eventually, they can use the money in their difficult times.
In conclusion, not only does working in a technical field provide core and business expertise but Linking Words
allows folk to gather funds for future education. I, Linking Words
, agree thatLinking Words
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