Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays administratives of different regions of the globe consider economic improvements at the top of the list. Other groups of
, have a viewpoint that supports
notion that there are other factors which are as important as economic growth.
I, myself, agree with the
group, my essay will discuss both of these points of view.
To begin
with, it is one of the most important duties of a government to provide its folk with a decent economic situation. There are several reasons asserting
For instance
, economic situations have a direct relationship with welfare which means the wealthier
are, the more satisfied they become. Take more developed countries as an example. Citizens of these countries have better welfare and feel happier because of the better economic conditions.
is while
in less developed countries experience unstable economies which leads to a lack of job positions, less income and other financial problems.
, it seems rational for governments to put economic progress as their top priority.
On the other hand
, there is a group of
, including me, who strongly believe administrative organizations have to pay attention to other aspects
as social and educational improvements as well as economic progress.
For instance
, if a government try to provide their citizens with human rights and freedom, increase the security level in society and
give their
access to a wide variety of educational centres for free,
they could expect their folk to be happier nations who feel they are prosperous enough. In conclusion,
economic progress is essential for every country to let their citizens fulfil their basic needs easily, in order to provide
with welfare, it is vital for governments to pay attention to other aspects like social and educational conditions as well as economic situation.
Submitted by Anaarshadiii on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • standard of living
  • sustainable development
  • social equality
  • environmental degradation
  • cultural heritage
  • technological innovation
  • wealth disparity
  • human development index
  • holistic approach
  • quality of life
  • economic prosperity
  • healthcare system
  • education system
  • cultural diversity
  • policy decisions
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