A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world .

Amongst the majority of nations, a large proportion of income is generated through touristry, while the travelling industry can
pose serious problems due to the unsuccessful management of vacation spots.
essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of tourism and provide a logical conclusion. To commence with,
there are several benefits of the holiday industry, the main advantages are a strong economy and strengthened cross-country relationships.
, the influx of tourists contributes to boosting the nation’s economy as funds collected through travellers are later used in modifying the infrastructure of tourists’ hotspots.
For instance
, it is clearly evident how Thailand and Maldives are earning predominantly through the travel sector. Another benefit is that trades across nations become smooth and lucrative;
ultimately leads to a higher rate of exports.
For example
, the northern areas of Pakistan have recently become popular destinations for international holidaymakers because of which the region observed a significant increase in its exports. Despite the benefits stated above,
, there are some obvious drawbacks,
as environmental destruction and increased air traffic. Unfortunately, the countries often wipe out natural lands to build holiday destinations to generate more profits in the long run
, our oceans and rivers are contaminated with more plastics due to the presence of more people on the beaches. Another problem is uncontrolled air traffic. To illustrate, there are numerous environmental reports that state that tourism is one of the major contributors to climate change because aeroplanes emit Nitrous Oxide
that is
gradually diminishing Earth’s Ozone layer as well as increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere which is affecting the planet’s overall climate. In conclusion,
the travelling industry has positive effects like increased GDP and greater inter-border relationships, it
has a negative influence on the environment,
as natural ecosystems and water bodies.
, in my overall opinion, both national and global policies for sustainable travel should be implemented and made mandatory to practice by people and the government.
Submitted by parvezshehzeen on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • sustainable tourism
  • ecotourism
  • heritage sites
  • hospitality industry
  • tourist influx
  • cultural commodification
  • ecological footprint
  • economic diversification
  • carrying capacity
  • cultural sensitivity
  • destination marketing
  • travel advisories
  • visitor management
  • impact assessment
  • tourism revenues
  • authentic experience
  • visitor satisfaction
  • conservation efforts
  • seasonal fluctuation
  • social sustainability
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