Right after school, teenagers wonder whether they ought to continue studying at university or get a job. Some people believe that keeping on studying can guarantee a successful career whilst others opine that getting a job immediately after school is the better option.
essay will discuss both sides of the argument in depth.
On Linking Words
hand, students can vastly expand their knowledge in the university which helps them groom themselves and excel in their professional fields. Graduates can have more opportunities to get high-paid jobs because University prepares them to meet the academic qualifications most employers want. Use synonyms
For instance
, in many countries, students who graduated with an engineering degree are highly paid and have an easy time getting jobs. Linking Words
, experts need to be educated to work in specialized jobs that are beneficial for society. Linking Words
For example
, a medical student has to spend about 8 years to get proper knowledge and improve vital skills for their future career which helps the community in turn by providing advanced treatments. The above benefits are only guaranteed by higher education.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, pupils could use their time and youth more effectively by starting a professional life right after school. In some fields of study, universities use obsolete data which are useless for today's society's needs; spending years in these institutions is a waste of money and life. Linking Words
, a person who prefers to work rather than pursue higher education is more likely to obtain hands-on experiences and skills, which bring them more revenue as soon as possible. Linking Words
For example
, Bill Gates, Linking Words
of the richest men in the world, dropped out of the educational institution to pursue both his talent and desire in the computer science field. By skipping a college degree, Use synonyms
can progress in their chosen professions and earn money earlier.
In conclusion, each side of view has unique opportunities and conditions. Use synonyms
, choosing over Linking Words
another depends on an individual’s preference and priority.Use synonyms