At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages? Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In the contemporary world, there are some countries that consist of a relatively larger group of young
than older
. I agree that the younger
make society more active.
, it is evident that we cannot ignore the older generation's wisdom and contribution. I will describe the reason and examples.
, the most notable advantage of a larger proportion of youngsters in the population is bringing more variety to make them socially active.
, the constant growth of society made the older generation people only aim for higher development.
, that development made all people eat and sleep well ,
, it brought colourless recurring on the daily basis. Yet, nowadays, youngsters always want to try something new and not fear challenges.
For instance
, I was a young man I have been to Australia and Canada for work and play I experienced various activities and cultural exchanges with foreigners.
That is
a small step for me but there are many people my age to make me socially active.
, we cannot ignore the wisdom and knowledge of older
. Because the accumulated knowledge is the main reason why humanity is privileged and achieved prosperity now.
For example
, there were a tremendous amount of failures to launch a rocket,
the USA succeeded
Correct pronoun usage
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and all that knowledge come down to Space X which tried to commercialize space trips. It represents things going easier on top of past experience. To conclude, I genuinely agree that the young generation's contribution has positive power. Yet, we should respect older
' works.
Submitted by 8080wjdehdgu on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • demographic
  • proportion
  • age distribution
  • economic opportunities
  • innovation
  • technological advancements
  • productivity
  • burden
  • healthcare
  • retirement
  • pension systems
  • dependency ratio
  • developed countries
  • developing countries
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