In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world go hungry. why is this the caces? what can be done about this problem?

It has been universally accepted that the problem of global hunger is escalating at an alarming rate. The issue is bringing a state of widespread distress among the masses and impacting the global economy as well. There are a plethora of reasons for
, and possible solutions can be suggested too, which are discussed as follows. In regard to the issue, the major reason which can be stated is the unequal distribution of resources.
leads to significant disparities in nourishment availability across different regions, causing some areas to experience severe shortages
others have excess supply. In support of
reason, a known fact is that wealthier countries often have an abundance of provisions,
poorer nations struggle to meet basic nutritional needs. Another problematic cause is the impact of climate change, which greatly contributes to crop failures and scarcity of produce.
For instance
, prolonged droughts and extreme weather conditions have devastated agricultural outputs in many parts of the world. Seeing the challenge with a brighter mind, many solutions can be helpful to curb
menace. One of the solutions is implementing laws to ensure fair distribution of essential supplies.
perspective is supported by examples of countries that have successfully reduced hunger through subsidy programs.
, improving education on sustainable farming practices can lead to increased agricultural productivity.
For example
, teaching farmers about crop rotation and soil preservation can enhance food security.
, promoting alternatives to traditional farming,
as hydroponics and vertical farming, can
increase production in areas with limited arable land. In summary, the problem arises from multiple factors, including unequal resource distribution and climate change. The primary responsibility for solving
issue rests with both governments and individuals, who must work collaboratively to implement fair policies, educate farmers, and promote innovative agricultural practices. By addressing these root causes, it is possible to alleviate global hunger and ensure food security for all.
Submitted by tahsin.adam3 on

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Although the essay covers the required points, try to add more specific data or statistics to strengthen your arguments and make the response even more compelling.
coherence cohesion
Improve the connection between some ideas and give more detailed explanations or examples where needed. For instance, you could provide additional context or specific cases to illustrate the impact of climate change on agriculture.
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Your essay is well structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This makes it easy to follow and understand.
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Each main point has been effectively supported and explained, which enhances your argument and shows a thorough understanding of the topic.
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The essay provides a comprehensive response to the prompt, addressing both causes of the issue and possible solutions in detail.
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The use of relevant examples adds depth to your arguments, making the essay more convincing and informative.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • food insecurity
  • nutritious food
  • regional disparities
  • economic barriers
  • political instability
  • agricultural productivity
  • climate change
  • extreme weather events
  • infrastructure
  • supply chains
  • consumer habits
  • food waste
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