All levels of education are vital for humans’ development in every aspect of life. According to some individuals, educational institutes are focused on theories rather than hands-on experience. While I am disagreeing with the aforementioned argument,
essay will Linking Words
elaborate on Linking Words
headway with some relevant examples.
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To begin
with, there have been radical alterations in the educational system due to the influence of current economic and social changes. Statistics from the world bank data indicated the improvements in literacy rate at an early stage of a child's development. According to the reported facts depicted, the main reason for an upward trend is the practical application of different studying methods used by primary teachers. Linking Words
For example
, grouping students to work on a mathematical problem helps them to improve their teamwork and leadership skills. Linking Words
, giving undergraduate students to resolve a case study has encouraged them to sharpen their problem-solving capabilities. Linking Words
On the other hand
, universities are known to train people to face real-world scenarios. Linking Words
, there are different societies Linking Words
as career guidance unit, gavel club and many other pupil organisations that help their members to apply theoretical knowledge in the relevant fields.
In spite of that, authorities are Linking Words
played and prominent role to adjust the curriculum for youngsters' personal development. Linking Words
For instance
, including subjects like home economics, carpentry, and art and craft which are aimed to enhance basic skills. Kids who are following these courses can face any challenges in their life without any stress.
To sum up, knowledge-sharing organizations are working in an active learning environment. Linking Words
According to my
perspective, it is important to learn practical skills for one’s basic survival and longevity.Change preposition