In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

It is anticipated that most of the vehicles will be hands-free with only the travellers but no drivers. Not only human error but inconvenience due to drivers will be taken care of, while dangers of hacking and low acceptability, in general, will prevail.
, I opine that it will be an accomplishment in the field of travel and transportation, overweighting the disadvantages. The fact is, ‘to err is human’, so overcoming the human negligence causing road mishaps and accidents can be looked after, with the advent of artificial intelligence in the field of transportation.
, it will be convenient as the tiredness due to driving will not be there and everyone can feel relaxed while travelling.
For example
, all over the world, the devices like dishwashers and washing machines are saving time and human energy.
On the other hand
, hacking can prove to be dangerous, which may hike criminal activities like theft and hijacking.
, the acceptability of
type of artificial intelligence will be hard to endure.
For instance
, there are simulators for all types of games still Tiger Woods plays golf on the course and Roger Federer loves to showcase his game on the tennis court. No sports tournament takes place virtually. Every coin has two sides so is the case with driverless vehicles, yet, according to me, these will be conquered by
advancements in technology and conditioning of human behaviour. To conclude, driverless vehicles are going to be beneficial as well as hassle-free
being insecure and unacceptable universally.
, in my opinion, these are minimal drawbacks that can't surpass their advantages.
Submitted by aneeshagodara on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • driverless vehicles
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • increased safety
  • reduced traffic congestion
  • improved efficiency
  • accessibility
  • disabled
  • elderly
  • job displacement
  • privacy concerns
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