Your local council is considering closing a sports and leisure centre that is runs, in order to save money write a letter to the local your letter give detils of how you and your friends or family use the centre explain why the sports and liesure centre is important for the local community describe the possible effects on local peaple if the centre closes

Dear sir or madam, I hope
letter finds you well.I am writing
letter to your consider about sport centre into our local and give some details that maybe are useful for yours.
, I want to say
decision is extremely delightful for us and I should say we are used to playing exercise every day after coming back from work and university and we believe going to the leisure centre is vital to keep our body and mind,so we have been playing every evening.
, I should say the sports focus is fully important for us because we do have no other place for playing and relaxation and
we need to change our feel after than pass a hard day. In conclusion, I have been playing exercise every day and unfortunately if
environment is closed I and my family face any problems.
For example
, we should spend more time and money on going to another gym and leisure place so I demand to keep our sports and leisure centre for having a better life. writing for your reply, Yours Faithfully, Saeed Foroughi Nia.
Submitted by saeedforoghi538 on

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