The importance of our offspring cannot be overemphasised. Youth has served not only as the heir of the human race but
as the supporting column of our country's future productivity. From my perspective, it has globally concurred that children are our future; Linking Words
, the officials should invest in the following two domains as the most effective way to preserve the country.
One significant aspect is bilingual education. Modern technology has brought one person closer to another. Linking Words
, Linking Words
improvement had got the international competition between students Linking Words
become increasingly intense than ever. Language proficiency, Fix the infinitive
, has become a piece of fundamental equipment for students to compete with others. Linking Words
For example
, in Taiwan, the government were aware of the dominance of English in language use and had set up a goal that the entire nation will transform into a bilingual country by 2030. Linking Words
language contributes little to better academic performance, I firmly believe the importance of competent communication ability will remain vital for the coming future.
Another essential category is the climate and environment. Undoubtedly, deteriorated environmental conditions have been an adverse impact on the young generation. Linking Words
, authorities should step up with certain immediate actions before everything gets too late. Global warming, Linking Words
for instance
, stems from massive greenhouse gas emissions induced by human behaviours, Linking Words
as burning fossil fuels or manufacturing. China, the primary base of manufacturing factories, has established a considerable number of regulations in order to enforce local industries to control the number of carbon dioxide emissions. I believed Linking Words
a concept can be put into practice by other countries as well, and eventually leave a relatively better environment for our forthcoming generation.
In conclusion, investments for young people should be renewable and sustainable. Linking Words
, it is not only a matter of spending money but Linking Words
keeping human beings to stay away from being on the verge of extinction.Linking Words