t is argued that untouched lands must be investigated because of the increasing necessity for energy sources worldwide.
essay totally disagrees with Linking Words
statement. I believe that exploring new areas in order to gain access to oil and gas can have detrimental impacts on the environment and cause more dependency on fossil fuels.
Exploring new territories for fossil-gaining purposes can worsen significantly the biodiversity of the Earth. Aspiring to acquire temporary power resources, a vast landscape must be destroyed, chopping down the hectares of wood and releasing hazardous gas emissions into the atmosphere. Linking Words
, it may cause other catastrophic issues Linking Words
as Global warming, by depriving remaining trees on the Earth and increasing air pollution. Linking Words
For example
, provided statistics by Nazarbayev University exploiting lands excessively between 1970 and 1996, Kazakhstan's climate worsened by 35% by degrading air quality and causing the extinction of local species of fauna and flora.
Having exploited fossil fuels from undeveloped areas, citizens can grow their dependency by trying to accomplish urgent necessities. Not only does the exploration of new lands make people eager to consume increasingly year by year, but it Linking Words
may lead to a neglectful approach to the environment. Linking Words
of inventing and implementing eco-friendly sustainable energy, humans generally rush to find a temporary salvation. Linking Words
For instance
, a study conducted by the World Nature Conservancy proves that the opening of new gas and oil fields is gaining a tendency, with an increasing figure at about 9% each year, and causing the neglection to the invention of alternative power sources.
In conclusion, though the demand for traditional energy resources is growing, it mustn't be the reason to exploit undeveloped areas, as Linking Words
can become a root of disaster to the nature and reliance of humanity only on these sources.Linking Words