ome people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. discuss both views and give your opinion.

Recently, the turmoil among divisions of professional communities has posed a query about the travel of skilled workforce to other
. While proponents discern that
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laborious people should stay in
where they had their
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, proponents argue that every citizen is free to choose where to work. I am in agreement with the latter notion. In the following lines, both perspectives along with the evidence that substantiates my claims will be
To begin
with, a category of individuals advocate that skilled workers must fulfil their national duty towards their homelands.
is because when governments subsidize health and engineering educational sectors, they target that in return benefits will be reaped that will help the growth of the national economy. An eminent example of
is Egypt where medics are obliged to spend at least 2 years after graduation serving the public
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, what can be said is that in order to impede
from suffering from brain drain, highly qualified individuals are obligated to work in the
where they did their initial apprenticeship.
, opponents and I posit that different categories of citizens have the humanitarian right to opt where to live and work according to their individual preferences. To illustrate
, if professionals suffer from deteriorated labour conditions in their homelands, they will inevitably immigrate to pursue lucrative jobs and decent standards of living.
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for instance
, recoup their natives by offering them promising job opportunities with competitive salaries and generous benefits in order to encourage them to stay and thrive;
in contrast
, in Egypt, people migrate as they suffer from deleterious living environments and poor wages.
, not only do governments have to exert their utmost efforts to support their valuable human resources, but they
must enhance the quality of life locally. In conclusion, it can be reiterated that
some may prohibit professionals from travelling and obligate them to stay in their homelands, opponents and I are of the belief that as long as the living circumstances are detrimental people will migrate;
, it is the right for each individual to choose how to lead their lives. I recommend that authorities in developing nations should endeavour all initiatives to compensate their talented workers and recoup them.
Submitted by dentistmargo on

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