Nowadays, it has been suggested that the role of
work can be a more beneficial alternative for the criminals to help them amend. Yet, there remains a contentious debate as to whether can the overall efficiency of
phenomenon be a more influential process rather than jail
. I partially agree with
topic and will support my perspective with more details and practical examples.
, the environment of the prisons can have detrimental impacts on the individual.
, it is an indisputable fact that being behind bars means spending
with dangerous people in a toxic situation resulting in more harm than benefits for the
situation can undermine ethical codes for the prisoner;
, he or she would enter to other types of crimes and sins.
, a human who is passing custodial sentences will find the motivation to start drug dealing or murder which is a potent element of increasing the crime rate in society.
, spending life in the cage is an effective factor in destroying the harmony of a homogeneous nation, while the
can be altered to be a high potential offender for societal security.
and even more importantly, though, the criminal is not able to revise his or her behaviour in
period. Regarding the fact that jail
is supposed to help the individual to refine himself or herself, it does not entail a safe condition for the criminal to learn from the mistake;
work can be a significant process for social awareness and can reintroduce the criminal to the society. One particularly salient example is a driving ticket for Overspeed that can be punished with short-term public cleanings; it can be both educating and profitable for people to learn from their mistakes.
work is an effective solution to prevent future crimes and teach the
of possible consequences of the crime.
As a way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm that spending
behind bars is a highly preventive suggestion for some criminals;
, for some specific scenarios, it can be replaced with
works to both keep the balance of society and punish the
, it is highly suggested to have cognitive processes for the youngsters to hinder them from various crimes before committing them .